Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Real Estate Market is Scam in Macon Georgia

I don't see how this is even possible.  The real estate market in Macon Georgia is crazy.  Beware buyers don't be dupe like many we know of.  For example:  take a look at this property in Macon Georgia

856 Charlotte Street, Macon, GA 3106

This property is for sale for $86,000
The neighborhood is drug infested and hookers walk up and down this street all day long.  
I guaranteed you that, spend a night here and you won't make it the entire evening without hearing someone screaming and fighting and gun shots.  I kid you not.  They got the nerve to sale this property for $86,000.  

Below is some facts.

As you can see in 2017 the evaluation is only $20,263, no changes in 2018 still the same and in 2019 it jump to $27,047.  No major changes.  and somehow in 2023 it jump to $34,000 and now in $2024 the value is now $66,000.  The only reason why the property value increased from $20 to $60k is because the county wants to collect more property taxes.

Prove me wrong Macon Georgia.  Prove me wrong please.

I can give you hundreds more example but you can look for yourself.  Visit the Macon-Bibb Tax Commissioner county website and see for yourself.  Don't be a sucker buyer.  Do your homework.  

But if you want another example, here is another: 

608 Lynmore Avenue, Macon, GA 3106

Just ask any Maconites if they would live in Lynmore Avenue.
Lynmore Avenue is Murder Capital in Macon Georgia.
the neighbors will tell you, police don't even service this area.
and this property is a laughing stock of Macon.  
Whoever purchased this property got fooled, hoodwinked.  and apparently either the bank is in implicit in this financial crime, or these people didn't go through proper channel to purchased this property.  Because any property appraisal would have told them that this location is not worth $184,900 or even $100k.  Seriously.

here are the county records for this property.  See for yourself.
Yes, in 2020 the fair market is $15,000
It's a dangerous neighborhood.  and major power lines runs through this street.

across the street from the property

and this the backyard.  Trust me folks,  this is not $184,000 neighborhood.

across the street from the property

These sellers are just plain vultures and not just wrong, but evil.


Where to get free Wi-Fi in Macon?

1. Joshua Cup Coffee House 2.Panera Bread 3. Most of McDonald's Restaurants 4.Krystal Fast Food Restaurants 5.Starbucks - My favorite is probably Starbucks and McDonalds because they allow you to stay as long as you want without them giving you any hassle. Plus All the listing here except for Krystals have places for you to plug in your laptop for extra needed power.

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