Monday, May 27, 2024

Best park for dogs in Macon


I have to say the best park in Macon Georgia for your four legged friends is Carolyn Crayton Park in downtown.  I take my Hershey to this park without leash because there’s hardly anybody around.  That is if you go all the way to the back of the park.  She roams freely and enjoys the park without a leash.

That’s my Hershey

The park is huge.  These photos doesn’t do any justice.  Will update it with more photos.  


Where to get free Wi-Fi in Macon?

1. Joshua Cup Coffee House 2.Panera Bread 3. Most of McDonald's Restaurants 4.Krystal Fast Food Restaurants 5.Starbucks - My favorite is probably Starbucks and McDonalds because they allow you to stay as long as you want without them giving you any hassle. Plus All the listing here except for Krystals have places for you to plug in your laptop for extra needed power.

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