Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2014 Snow in Macon

It is official, it seems that every four or five years, it snows in Macon.  It began last night.  The weather man says it was going to snow, I was waiting for it in the morning but didn't see anything. Atleast I thought that it might have snowed and melted by the time the sun came creeping in the horizon.  But the snow came in the night and its 9am and it is still here.  Just made my day.  I'm glad I don't have to go to work in this mess.

taken from my backyard

that's a lot of snow

this morning the snow is still here!   i luv it!


Where to get free Wi-Fi in Macon?

1. Joshua Cup Coffee House 2.Panera Bread 3. Most of McDonald's Restaurants 4.Krystal Fast Food Restaurants 5.Starbucks - My favorite is probably Starbucks and McDonalds because they allow you to stay as long as you want without them giving you any hassle. Plus All the listing here except for Krystals have places for you to plug in your laptop for extra needed power.

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