Sunday, August 16, 2020

Spud Hot Dogs Closing in downtown Macon


Just the other day I told my husband that I want to get some hotdogs downtown.  So we did and I was glad they were open.  They looked pretty busy with customers and I patiently waited to get service.  I ordered the meal next to the classic.  They are Nathan hot dogs... so you really can’t go wrong. I ordered the meal. So my hot dogs came with chips and drinks.  As I sat there and waited patiently for my cravings... I was thinking in my mind that “wow I am really glad this restaurant is here.”  And that I was glad it was serving this side of town.  But then days later I get the news that he was closing down.

What!!!  I love the location and the hotdogs of Spud.  I really will miss them.   I really wanted to take my phone out and take so many photos.  I love their nostalgic decor.  But I didn’t wanted to seems like a fanatic and just snapped one photo.  The photo above is the only one I have of the “Spud”.  But I’m sure many have documented and taken many photos of Spud downtown.


Where to get free Wi-Fi in Macon?

1. Joshua Cup Coffee House 2.Panera Bread 3. Most of McDonald's Restaurants 4.Krystal Fast Food Restaurants 5.Starbucks - My favorite is probably Starbucks and McDonalds because they allow you to stay as long as you want without them giving you any hassle. Plus All the listing here except for Krystals have places for you to plug in your laptop for extra needed power.

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